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애당심 영어로

"애당심" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 애당심 [愛黨心] party loyalty; party[partisan] spirit.
  • 애닳다    pitiable; worried; lacking patience; anxious; arousing compassion; worrisome; intolerant; touching; overanxious; impatient; worrying excessively; restless; unable to wait; pitiful
  • 애달프다    애달프다 heartbreaking; aching; sorrowful; pathetic; painful; distressing; anguishing. 애달픈 소식 heartbreaking news. 애달픈 마음을 털어놓다 confess a heartrending sorrow. 그가 죽었다니 정말 애달픈 일이다 It is really heartbreakin
  • 애더럴 다이어리    The Adderall Diaries (film)
  • 애달음    fret
  • 애덤    adam
  • 애달다    애달다 be anxious ; be impatient ; worry; fret . 애달게 그대로 내버려 둬 Let her fret her fill. 그는 너를 만나고 싶어 애달아했다 He was anxious to meet you.
  • 애덤 g. 세버니    Adam G. Sevani
  • 애단 법석    skylark
  • 애덤 j. 해링턴    Adam J. Harrington
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