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은자의 주거 영어로


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  • anchorage
  • 주거    주거 [住居] [거주하는 집] a dwelling
  • 은자의 집    hermitage
  • 은자    은자 [隱者] a hermit; a recluse; an anchorite; a solitary.
  • 주거    주거 [住居] [거주하는 집] a dwelling (house); a residence; an abode; [거주하는 것] living; residence. ~가 일정하지 않은 사람들 people of no fixed abode. ~를 정하다 take up one's abode[residence] / settle (down). ~를 옮기다 move o
  • 검은자    검은자(위) (눈의) the (dark) colored part of the eye; the iris . ~가 많은 눈 eyes with large irises[pupils] / large dark eyes.
  • 곧은자    straightedge
  • 여자 은자    anchoress
  • 은자 (타로)    The Hermit (Tarot card)
  • 주거 (동오)    Zhu Ju
  • 주거권    Right to housing
  • 주거의    residential
  • 주거장    Bicycle parking
  • 자의    자의 [字義] the meaning[signification / sense] of a word. ~대로의 해석 a literal[word-for-word] interpretation. ~대로 해석하다 interpret literally[in a literal sense].자의 [自意] one's own will[volition]. ~로 voluntar
  • 앉은자리    앉은자리1 [좌석] one's seat; one's place. ~에서 from one's seat[place]. ~를 양보하다 offer[give up / surrender] one's seat to .2 [즉석]. ~에서 on the spot / extempore / extemporaneously / impromptu / offhandedly. ~에
  • 은자 피에르    peter the hermit
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