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  • 조리다    조리다 boil down. 생선을 간장에 ~ boil fish down in soy. 과일을 설탕과 함께 조려서 잼을 만들다 boil fruit with sugar into jam.
  • 조리돌리다    조리돌리다 drag along the streets to expose to public shame.
  • 루웬조리다이커    Ruwenzori duiker
  • 조리    조리 ☞ 저리조리 [¿] [쌀을 이는 기구] a (bamboo) strainer; a meshwork ladle.▷ 조리 자지 a person who urinates[leaks] too often.조리 [條理] logical sequence; logic; reason. ~가 있는[닿는] reasonable / logical / consistent. ~가
  • 조리 조리 (음식)    Cooking
  • 모조리    모조리 all; without exception; to the very last; wholly; altogether; thoroughly; completely. ~ 가져가다 take away everything (one can lay hands on). ~ 검거하다 make a wholesale arrest . ~ 털어놓다 make a clean bre
  • 몸조리    몸조리 [-調理] taking care of one's health; (병후의) recuperation. 산후 ~ postpartum care. ~하다 take care of one's health; (병후에) recuperate (oneself); recruit (oneself). ~하기 위하여 for (the good of) one's health
  • 부조리    부조리 [不條理] absurdity; irrationality; unreasonableness; improperness; 『哲』 absurde. ~를 제거하다 eliminate improperness / put straight. 사회의 ~를 제거하다 eliminate social absurdities. 회사 경리상의 ~를 제거하다 put the ac
  • 빅터 조리    Victor Jory
  • 조리 (도시)    Żory
  • 조리 (신발)    Zōri
  • 조리개    조리개1 [줄] a tightening thread[string, cord, etc.]; a tie.2 [사진기의 기계 장치] an iris diaphragm; an iris . (카메라의) ~ 5.6으로 셔터를 누르다 shoot at F 5.6. ~ 3.5로 사진을 찍었다 I shot at F 3.5. / I took a picture with an
  • 조리된    ahead of the game; boun; heeled
  • 조리법    formula; recipe; receipt; medical prescription; prescription; rule; cookery
  • 조리사    Cook (profession)
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