로그인 회원가입

잔꾀가 많은 놈 영어로


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  • jackanapes
  • 많은    much; a lot of; very; plenty of; a lot; many;
  •     놈1 [남자] a fellow; a chap; a bird; a
  • 원숭이처럼 잔꾀가 많은 놈    jackanapes
  • 꾀가 많은    crafty; wily
  • 나쁜 꾀가 많은    sly; dexterous; shifty; cunning; roguish; crafty; practic; fawce; huggermugger; devious; deceitful; mestizo; artful; wily; deadpan; underhanded; scampish
  • 잔꾀    잔꾀 (petty) tricks; shallow cunning; wiles; (an) artifice. ~ 부리는 사람 a tricky person / a petty trickey[trickster]. ~를 부리다 use tricks / work out a cunning[shrewd] scheme / play cheap tricks / resort t
  •     놈1 [남자] a fellow; a chap; a bird; a guy; a blighter. 그 ~ that fellow[chap] / that guy. that bloke. 고약한 ~ an unsavory[immoral] character / a dreadful[an awful] person / a loathsome creature. 더러운
  • 많은    much; a lot of; very; plenty of; a lot; many; plenty; numerous
  • 잔꾀부리다    break
  • 좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈    The Good, the Bad, the Weird
  • 나쁜 놈    so and so; baddie
  • 놈 (수학)    Nome (mathematics)
  • 놈 (요정)    Gnome
  • 놈 머로    Noam Murro
  • 똥살 놈    thick-skulled; clodpole
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