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저명한 영어로

"저명한" 예문"저명한" 뜻"저명한" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • outstanding
  • famous
  • distinguished
  • eminent
  • celebrated
  • noted
  • prominent
  • couth
  • well-known
  • larger-than-life
  • known
  • renowned
  • notable
  • 저명한 것    proverb
  • 저명한 일단    pleiads; pleiad
  • 어떤 점에서 저명한 것    proverb
  • 저명    저명 [著名] prominence; distinction; eminence; celebrity. ☞ 유명(有名) ~하다 famous; well-known; prominent; eminent; celebrated. ~한 학자 a celebrated scholar.▷ 저명 인사 a celebrity; a famous person.
  • 저명하다    feted; multi-storied; celebrated
  • 간명한    concise; compendious; brief; to the point
  • 단명한    shortlived; fugacious; fleeting; transient; ephemeral; transitory; passing; short-lived
  • 분명한    unmistakable; clear; plain; apparent; evident; obvious
  • 불명한    doubtable
  • 서명한    signatory
  • 선명한    intelligent; radiant; clever; shiny; clear; cheerful; bright; luminous
  • 실명한    cannot be seen; unable to see; blind; sightless; invisible
  • 언명한    avowed; declared
  • 유명한    noted; public; couth; name; proverbial; famous; notorious; celebrated; renowned; known; notable; illustrious; well-known; larger-than-life
  • 자명한    axiomatical; self-explanatory; axiomatic; self-evident


  • The world's most decorated experts can't crack that one
    세계에서 가장 저명한 전문가들도 설명할 수 없을겁니다.
  • That's the world-class specialist you wanted me to see?
    니가 나더러 만나보라고 한 저명한 의사가 쟤야?
  • I'll be a famous journalist, and we'll start our life.
    저명한 언론인이 되고 인생을 제대로 살자
  • I have influential philanthropist friends all over the world.
    저명한 자선가 친구들이 전 세계에 있어요
  • Like if it caught the eye of a prominent person.
    예를 들면 저명한 사람의 눈에 든다거나
  • Yes, like if it caught the eye of an important person.
    네, 예를 들면 저명한 사람의 눈에 든다거나
  • After all, I was once an actor of note.
    결국에는, 난 저명한 배우가 됬을걸세.
  • Famed astrophysicist Neil deBuck Weasel!
    아주 저명한 천체 물리학자 네일드벅 이잖아!
  • You know, um, there's this psychiatrist,
    있잖아, 음 저명한 정신과의사가 있는데,
  • For 20 years, I was stuck under the desk of a brilliant scientist.
    20여년 전, 나는 저명한 과학자의 책상 아래 붙었다
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