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정기권 통근 영어로

"정기권 통근" 뜻"정기권 통근" 중국어

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  • commutation
  • change
  • 정기권    season; season ticket
  • 통근    통근 [通勤] attending office; going to work;
  • 정기권 통근자    commuter
  • 통근    통근 [通勤] attending office; going to work; commuting; commutation; (입주 근무의 상대어로) living out. ~하다 attend[go to] (one's / the) office; commute; live out; come[go] to work from outside. 매일 전차로 ~하다 take
  • 기권    sawm; abstinency; wowser; abstention; abrosia; disclaimer; atmosphere
  • 정기    정기 [丁幾] =팅크.정기 [正氣]1 [천지의 원기] the spirit which animates and controls the universe.2 [바른 기풍] the fair and equitable spirit; righteousness.정기 [定期] a fixed period[term]. ~의[적인] regular / periodic(al).
  • 통근의    commuter
  • 통근자    extern; commuter
  • 기권 (선거)    Abstention
  • 기권의    renouncing
  • 대기권    대기권 [大氣圈] the atmosphere. ~내의 핵 실험 nuclear testing[tests] in the atmosphere / the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. ~ 밖으로 나가다[로켓을 발사하다] venture[launch a rocket] into outer space.
  • 외기권    exosphere
  • 자기권    magnetosphere
  • 통근열차    tonggeun
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