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진정물 영어로

"진정물" 예문

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • offering
  • 정물    정물 [靜物] still life.▷ 정물화 a still life ; a still-life picture[painting].▷ 정물 화가 a still-life painter.
  • 진정    진정 [眞正] genuineness; authenticity. ~하다 genuine; authentic; real; true; pure. ~한 의미에서 in the true sense of the world. ~한 친구 one's bosom friend. ~한 우정 true friendship. ~한 인류애 genuine love for humanity
  • 결정물    determinant
  • 고정물    unchangeableness; fixity; invariableness; immutableness; immutability; fixture
  • 교정물    corrective; something which corrects
  • 구정물    구정물1 [더러워진 물] dirty[filthy / foul] water; waste water; washings; used wash water(빨래한 물); dishwater(설거지한 물); (kitchen) slop(s).2 (종기의) serous fluid (oozing[seeping]) out of a boil[tumor] after all th
  • 정물화    still life
  • 진정 (배우)    Dada Chan
  • 진정니    Annie Chen
  • 진정령    The Untamed (TV series)
  • 진정록    Tan Cheng Lock
  • 진정서    진정서 [陳情書] a (written) representation; a petition. ~를 작성하다 draw up a petition. 우리는 정부에 ~를 제출했다 We presented[sent in / hand in] a petition to the government. / We filed a petition with the government
  • 진정의    paregoric; sedative; true
  • 진정제    jones; china white; heroin; second to none; sedative; lenitive; calmative; scag
  • 진정한    authentic; unalloyed; sterling


  • Mystery, decorative art, mysterious, interior, colorful, offering, Nepal RF Royalty Free
    신비, 장식 예술, 신비적인, 내부, 다채로운, 진정물, 네팔 RF 로열티 프리
  • Collection, christianity, offering, offering bag, religion, religious goods, christian RF Royalty Free
    수집, 기독교, 진정물, 진정물, 가방, 종교, 수도자, 상품, 기독교도 RF 로열티 프리
  • Collection, christianity, offering, offering bag, religion, religious goods, christian RF Royalty Free
    수집, 기독교, 진정물, 진정물, 가방, 종교, 수도자, 상품, 기독교도 RF 로열티 프리
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