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집합장소 영어로

"집합장소" 예문

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  • 집합 장소 [集合場所] a meeting place; (대기실) a waiting room; a rendezvous <단수·복수 동형>.
    ~는 어디로 할까요 Where shall we meet?
    이 방은 시간 강사의 ~가 되어 있다 This room is used as a common room for part-time lecturers.
    그 선술집은 작가들의 ~가 되었다 The pub became a gathering place for writers.
  • 회합장소    venue
  • 합장    합장 [合掌] [두 손을 합침]. ~하다 join one's hands; put one's hands flat together; clasp one's hands . 그들은 ~하고 인사했다 They greeted people by joining their palms together (as if in prayer).▷ 합장 배례 worshiping with
  • 조합장    deacon; union president
  • 집합    집합 [集合] (a) gathering; (a) meeting; (an) assemblage; (a) muster; 『數』 a set; concurrence. 무한[유한] ~ an infinite[a finite] set. ~! Everyone, come here. / Gather around. ~하다 gather; collect; assemble;
  • 장소    장소 [場所]1 [곳] a place; [특정한 곳] a spot; [정확한 지점] a point; [현장] a scene. 분쟁이 일어날 듯한 ~ a trouble spot. 모임의 ~ a place of[for] meeting. 불이 난 ~ the scene of a fire. ~를 가리지 않고 regardless of where one is / w
  • 집합론 집합론 집합론    Set theory
  • 직장 (장소) 직장 (장소)    Workplace
  • 가산 집합    Countable set
  • 결정 집합    Axiom of determinacy
  • 곱집합    Cartesian product
  • 공종 집합    Cofinal (mathematics)
  • 공집합    empty set
  • 교집합    intersection
  • 구성 집합    config set; configuration set
  • 균형 집합    Balanced set


  • Dead drops, meeting places, an organizational hierarchy, because maybe with all of us working together, we can do what you never could -- make America safe.
    정보처, 집합장소, 조직도라던가... 왜냐하면 아마 우리 모두 함께 일을 같이하며,
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