천만층 영어로
"천만층" 뜻
영어 번역
- 천만층 [千萬層] ☞ 천층 만층
- 천만 천만 [千萬] [1천만] ten million; [무수] a countless number; a myriad; [매우] exceedingly; extremely; very much. 몇 ~이나 되는 tens of millions of. ~ 뜻밖의 일 quite an unexpected thing. ~의 말씀 (당찮은) an inappropriate re
- 천층만층 천층 만층 [千層萬層] [매우 많은 계층] countless[all] classes; all levels[classes / strata]; every kind[sort / variety]; various grades[ranks].
- 순천만 Suncheon Bay
- 천만번 천만번 [千萬番] times out of number; heaps[dozens] of times; ever so many times; over and over again. 너 따위는 ~ 죽어 마땅하다 Thousands of death are too good for the likes of you. 그 죄는 ~ 죽어 마땅하다 The crime defini
- 천만에 천만에 [千萬-]1 [겸사] Don't mention it; Not at all; Never mind; You're welcome. 「훌륭한 정원이군요」 「~ 말씀입니다 그저 넓기만 합니다」 "This is quite a garden you have here." "Not really. It's big, but that's all.". 「대단히 감사합니
- 백천만사 백천만사 [百千萬事] everything; all sorts of things.
- 순천만정원 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013
- 위험 천만의 breakneck
- 위험천만 위험 천만 [危險千萬] ~하다 extremely dangerous. ~한 짓을 하다 perform a hazardous feat / sleep on a volcano.
- 천만다행 천만 다행 [千萬多幸] great good fortune[luck]; a stroke of good luck. ~으로 very fortunately[luckily] / by good fortune. ~으로 내 시도는 성공했다 I was fortunate enough to succeed in my attempt. 다친 것이 그만하기 ~입니다 You wer
- 천만뜻밖 천만 뜻밖 [千萬-] ~의 quite unexpected / least expected / unlooked-for / unforeseen / unanticipated / never dreamed of. ~의 일 the last thing one can think of / a (great) surprise / a bolt from the blue. ~에
- 천만번 사랑해 Loving You a Thousand Times
- 천만부당 천만 부당 [千萬不當] ~하다 utterly[absolutely] unjust[unreasonable / unjustified]. ~한 요구 an extravagant demand. 그 비난은 ~하다 The reproach is quite unjust. 그들이 그렇게 하는 것은 ~하다 It isn't at all the thing for them to
- 천만에$1$ stuff and nonsense
- 천만에요 don’t mention it; it’s nothing; not at all; vice versa; my pleasure; you’re welcome; you are welcome; no problem; on the contrary; you're welcome; not one bit