춘추필법 영어로
"춘추필법" 뜻"춘추필법" 중국어
영어 번역
- 춘추 필법 [春秋筆法] the guiding principle of Confucius in writing the Annals.
~을 빌리면 according to the Confucian way of criticism.
- 필법 필법 [筆法] the technique of calligraphy; rules for wielding the brush; a style of brushmanship; penmanship. 힘찬 ~ a powerful stroke of the brush. ~을 터득하고 있다 know how to use a brush.
- 춘추 춘추 [春秋] [봄과 가을] spring and autumn; [세월] years and months; [연령] age. ~가 기울다 decline in age[one's years]. ~가 몇이십니까 What is your age, sir? / How old are you, sir? 그 이후로 많은 ~가 흘렀다 Many years have passed
- 춘추 시대 춘추 시대 Spring and Autumn period
- 관중 (춘추) Guan Zhong
- 권 (춘추) Quan (state)
- 나 (춘추) Na (Chinese state)
- 내 (춘추) Lai (state)
- 심 (춘추) Shěn (state)
- 양 (춘추) Liang (state)
- 여 (춘추) Lü (state)
- 오 (춘추) Wu (state)
- 임춘추 Yim Chun-chu
- 자산 (춘추) Zichan
- 조 (춘추) Cao (state)
- 춘추 시대 spring and autumn period