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출혈성의 사람 영어로


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  • bleeder
  • 사람    사람1 [인류] man; mankind. ~은 물이
  • 응혈성의;엉긴    curdled; coagulated
  • 장출혈성 대장균 감염증    Shigatoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli
  • 출혈로 죽은 사람    Deaths from bleeding
  • 혈성    혈성 [血誠] sincerity; a true heart; devotion.
  • 뇌출혈로 죽은 사람    Deaths by intracerebral hemorrhage
  • 출혈    출혈 [出血]1 [피가 남] bleeding; hemorrhage; loss of blood. 내[뇌]~ internal[cerebral] hemorrhage. 다량의 ~ profuse[copious] bleeding / excessive loss of blood. ~이 심하다 bleed badly[copiously]. ~ 과다로 죽다 die from
  • 출혈 출혈    Bleeding
  • 내출혈    내출혈 [內出血] 『醫』 internal hemorrhage[bleeding]; extravasation. ~을 일으키다 bleed[hemorrhage] internally. 그는 가슴을 맞아 ~을 일으켰다 He suffered internal bleeding as a result to being hit in the chest.
  • 뇌출혈    뇌출혈 [腦出血] =뇌일혈.
  • 다출혈    다출혈 [多出血] much bleeding; 『醫』 (산후 등의) flooding.
  • 외출혈    외출혈 [外出血] 『醫』 external hemorrhage.
  • 장출혈    장출혈 [腸出血] 『醫』 enterohemorrhage.
  • 출혈열    Hemorrhagic fevers
  • 폐출혈    폐출혈 [肺出血] 『醫』 pneumo(no)rrhagia; hemorrhage from the lungs.
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