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탐험대 영어로

"탐험대" 예문"탐험대" 뜻"탐험대" 중국어

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  • 탐험대 [探險隊] an expeditionary[exploration] party.
    남극[북극] ~ an Antarctic[Arctic] expedition.
    ~를 조직[지휘]하다 organize[lead / command] an expedition.
    ~를 파견하다 dispatch an expeditionary[exploration] party.
    그는 티베트 ~에 참가했다 He joined a Tibetan expedition.▷ 탐험대장 the leader[chief] of an expedition.


  • Anyone have a problem with Henry Charles?
    당신의 탐험대 중 누군가에 의해서란 의미죠
  • Four of 'em came back.
    탐험대 5명이 갔다는거야
  • Everyone in the expedition wore the same dark jacket, except for Henry, he wore red.
    탐험대 모두가 동일한 어두운 재킷을 입고 있었고 헨리만 빨간색을 입고 있었죠
  • He also led the third expedition, during which Standish fired the first recorded shot by the Pilgrim settlers in an event known as the First Encounter.
    3차 탐험대 때도 스탠디쉬가 이끌고 있었는데, 처음 실전으로 스탠디쉬가 필그림 개척자 최초로 발포를 했다는 기록이 있다.
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