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합창 가무단 영어로


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  • chorus
  • 합창    합창 [合唱] chorus; concerted singing;
  • 가무    가무 [歌舞] singing and dancing; all musical and other entertainments. ~를 즐기다 enjoy music and dancing. 정부는 ~음곡을 일체 금지했다 The government ordered a suspension of all public performances in music and dancin
  • 무단    무단 [武斷] militarism; enforcement(강행); highhandedness.▷ 무단주의 militarism.▷ 무단주의자 a militarist.무단 [無斷]1 [예고 없음]. ~히 without (pervious) notice; without warning; unannounced. 부모에게 알리지 않고 ~히 여행을 떠나다 go on
  • 합창    합창 [合唱] chorus; concerted singing; ensemble. 혼성 ~ a mixed chorus. 남[여]성 ~ a men's[women's] chorus. 2[3 / 4 / 5]부 ~ a duet[trio / quartet / quintet]. ~하다 sing in chorus; sing together.▷ 합창곡 a chorus;
  • 무단 (시인)    Mu Dan
  • 무단 결석    truancy; absence without leave
  • 무단 복사    Copypaste
  • 무단 사용    crib
  • 무단 정치    sword law; military government
  • 무단강    Mudan River
  • 무단구    Mudan District
  • 무단장    mudanjiang
  • 무단향    Mudan, Pingtung
  • 실무단    Working group
  • 합창 성가    choral
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