로그인 회원가입

회취법 영어로

"회취법" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Cupellation
  • 마취법    narcosis
  • 견본 채취법    sampling
  • 에테르 마취법    etherization
  • 회충증    ascariasis
  • 회충    회충 [蛔蟲] 『動』 a mawworm; an intestinal worm; a roundworm; 『醫』 an ascarid[ascaris] . ~성 폐렴 ascaris pneumonitis. ~이 생기다 get (intestinal) worms. 그는 ~이 있는 것 같다 He seems to have roundworms.▷ 회충약 a medicine
  • 회치다    회치다 [膾-] slice raw fish; prepare sliced raw fish[meat].
  • 회춘    회춘 [回春] [도로 젊어짐] rejuvenation; restoration of youth. ~하다 grow[get] younger; be[become] rejuvenated; undergo rejuvenation; be restored to youth; become[grow] young again. ~시키다 rejuvenate / rejuvenize
  • 회칙    회칙 [回勅] (로마 교황의) an encyclical (letter); an encyclic.회칙 [會則] the regulations[rules / bylaws] of a society; the articles of an association; the constitution of a club. 그것은 ~에 반한다 That is against the
  • 회초리    회초리 a switch; a whip; a cane; a pointer(교사용). 버들 ~ a willow switch. ~로 때리다 switch (with a cane) / cane / lash[flog / whip / swish] (with a switch). ~를 맞다 be whipped / be caned[lashed] / get the ca
  • 회퀴메 구르바노바    Hokuma Gurbanova
  • 회초간    회초간 [晦初間] =그믐 초승.
  • 회태    회태 [懷胎] =잉태(孕胎).▷ 회태 기간 a gestation period.▷ 회태 연령 『心』 conception age.
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