로그인 회원가입

희극의 여신 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • thalia
  • 희극의    comic; funny; jokey; humourous; joking; comical;
  • 여신    여신 [女神] a goddess; a female deity.
  • 희극의    comic; funny; jokey; humourous; joking; comical; cartooney; lulzy
  • 여신    여신 [女神] a goddess; a female deity. 봄의 ~ the Goddess of Spring. 자유의 ~ the Goddess of Liberty.여신 [與信] credit; financing; lending; a loan.▷ 여신 업무 a loan business.▷ 여신 한도(액) a credit line[limit]; a line
  • 극의    panoramic
  • 희극    희극 [喜劇] a comedy; a farce(소극(笑劇)); a funny show. 막간 ~ an interlude. 가벼운 ~ a light comedy. ~적(인) comic(al) / farcical. ~을 벌이다 play a comedy / play the fool / create a comic scene. 한바탕 ~이 벌어졌다 A com
  • 희극 희극    Comedy
  • 달의 여신    selene
  • 불의 여신    Fire goddesses
  • 여신학    Thealogy
  • 힌두 여신    Hindu goddesses
  • 가극의    operatic
  • 궁극의    ultimate
  • 극의 장    scene
  • 남극의    antarctic; polar
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