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명사 복수: axes   
"axis" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 굴대, 축, 추축


  • Gravity bombs, axis alignment systems, planet shellers.
    중력 폭탄이나 중심축 정렬 시스템이나 행성 탈각기脫殼機도 있지
  • Okay, let's guide the catheter into the celiac axis.
    자, 카테터를 셀리악 축 쪽으로 넣자
  • I saw them shatter steel axes like they were glass.
    강철 도끼를 유리처럼 부수는 걸 봤어
  • You want films from three axis points and a C-arm in surgery.
    세 개의 축에서 찍은 필름과 수술에서 필요한 투시 장치입니다
  • It's spinning on the long axis around a 17-degree precession.
    장축에 17도 각으로 돌고 있어요
  • And then, with axes, his ribs are chopped away from his spine.
    그리고나서 도끼로 척추에서부터 그의 갈비뼈를 쳐내리는 거지
  • And, you know... you knock them off their axes and they're useless.
    그들의 축대가 제거되면 그들은 쓸모가 없어요
  • You need more axes and chain saws.
    도끼랑 전기톱이 더 있어야지
  • Turns out we had a lot of axes to grind.
    저희가 갈 도끼가 많더라구요..
  • Are the axes of the fractures consistent?
    골절들의 골절부위가 일치하나요?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the center around which something rotates
    유의어: axis of rotation,

  • the 2nd cervical vertebra; serves as a pivot for turning the head
    유의어: axis vertebra,

  • a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions

  • a group of countries in special alliance
    유의어: bloc,

  • the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged

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