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음성기호: [ in'tenʃən ]  발음
명사 복수: intentions   
"intention" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 의지, 의향, 목적, 결혼할 의사, 의미(meaning), 취지, (논)개념first(second), 유합, 치유


  • Anyway, I had every intention of telling Claire.
    어쨌든, 클레어에게 모든 걸 털어놓을 준비가 돼 있어요
  • ~ I know it was not your intention.
    물 좀 가져와! 일부러 그런게 아니란 거 알아요.
  • How can you presume to know God's intentions?
    어떻게 당신 따위가 주제넘게 신의 의도를 알 수 있죠?
  • Right, exactly, you found out his true intentions.
    맞아, 정확해, 너는 그의 진짜 의도를 알았던거지
  • And I represent SHIELD with his same intentions.
    그와 같은 의도를 갖고 쉴드를 대표해 왔습니다
  • Well..., that certainly has never been my intention.
    . 그건, 절대로 제가 의도한 바가 아닙니다
  • Everything I've done, I've done with the best intentions.
    내가 한 모든 일은 그저 좋은 의도로 행했을 뿐이에요
  • Do you really have no intention of marrying me?
    정말 나랑은 결혼할 생각이 전혀 없는 거야?
  • Not everything I do has a grand intention.
    저 늦었어요 나의 모든 행동에 대단한 목적이 있는 건 아니란다
  • Yo. Divine intention just got destroyed by the grim knights.
    이봐, 방금 그림 나이트가 디바인 인텐션을 산산조각 냈네.
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • an act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out; "my intention changed once I saw her"

  • an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
    유의어: purpose, intent, aim, design,

  • (usually plural) the goal with respect to a marriage proposal; "his intentions are entirely honorable"

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