로그인 회원가입


음성기호: [ ə'ridʒənəl ]  발음
명사 복수: originals   
"original" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, 원시의, 최초의, 독창적인
    n, 원물, 근원, ~ly adverb, 본래, 최초에(는)


  • If she'd like an original, I'm around tomorrow.
    만약 실사를 원하는 거면 내일도 이쪽에 있을 예정인데
  • That was not the original agreement, You blew it!
    그건 원래의 거래가 아니야 당신이 모두 망쳤어!
  • Maybe it's somebody who's looking for the original source.
    아니면 혹시 누군가가 최초의 근원을 찾고 있거나
  • And this is the father, Big Jim.
    ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON ABC 2006/05/07 아버지인 뚱땡이 짐이에요
  • You have original oaoodo I n't like it?
    -너흰 이미 참나무로 된 바닥이 있잖아 -하지만 만약에 제가 싫어하면요?
  • That you'll never hear another piece of original music again.
    내가 무슨 생각하게요? nbsp; 최신곡을 다신 듣지 못하고
  • Original Story and Screenplay Written and Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
    기획 / 각본 / 감독 미야자키 하야오
  • This is our current team... and our original project members.
    이 친구들이 현재 팀이고 당시 프로젝트 참여자들
  • This is the original meaning and the goal of religion.
    그러므로 부처의 공덕을 입을 수 있는 것입니다
  • But what if we misdiagnosed the original problem?
    하지만 근원적인 문제를 잘못 분석했으면 어쩌죠?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach"; "with original music"; "an original mind"

  • 형용사
  • not derived or copied or translated from something else; "the play is original; not an adaptation"; "he kept the original copy and gave her only a xerox"; "the translation misses much of the subtlety of the original French"

  • preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed; "the original inhabitants of the Americas"; "the book still has its original binding"; "restored the house to its original condition"; "the original performance of the opera"; "the original cast"; "retracted his original statement"

  • (of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediary; "his work is based on only original, not secondary, sources"

  • 명사
  • an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
    유의어: master, master copy,

  • something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies; "this painting is a copy of the original"
    유의어: archetype, pilot,

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