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음성기호: [ 'vi:ikl ]  발음
명사 복수: vehicles   
"vehicle" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 차량, 탈것, 매개물, 전달수단, (그림 물감을 녹이는)용액, 우주차량(로켓, 우주선 따위)


  • We need a vehicle, a parking ticket, something.
    차량, 주차 딱지 등 단서가 될만한 건 모두 조사해
  • Gaddafi had a going-out-of-business sale on armored vehicles.
    새 차량을 체크해봐. 가다피가 폐업하며 내놓은 거야. 무장 차량이지.
  • But we can track her vehicle from our office.
    하지만 그녀가 타고 나간 경찰차는 추적할 수 있어요
  • One man with helicopters, airplanes, vehicles, planned escape routes,
    그 사람한텐 헬기, 비행기, 운송수단에 탈출로에 끄나풀까지 많아
  • This is my vehicle, that's what I'm gonna do.
    이건 내 차니까, 내 할 일을 할 거야.
  • Maybe he uses his vehicle for the assaults.
    아마도 범행에 이용한 이동수단이 있는 것 같아.
  • X.O. One of our vehicles has been hijacked.
    참모님, 우리 차량들 중의 한대가 탈취 당했습니다.
  • ... allowing official government or police vehicles through.
    ... 공무상 차량이나 경찰차만 통과할수 있도록 허가하고..
  • They have things -- food, weapons, vehicles, fuel.
    게다가 그놈들은.. 음식과 무기, 차, 연료도 풍부해요
  • Leave all bags and personal effects in your vehicle.
    머물러 주시길 바랍니다 Leave all bags and personal effects
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • a conveyance that transports people or objects

  • a medium for the expression or achievement of something; "his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views"; "a congregation is a vehicle of group identity"; "the play was just a vehicle to display her talents"

  • any inanimate object (as a towel or money or clothing or dishes or books or toys etc.) that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another
    유의어: fomite,

  • any substance that facilitates the use of a drug or pigment or other material that is mixed with it

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