...만큼 영어로
- 만큼: 만큼1 [정도를 나타내는 의존명사] an extent; a degree; a measure. 어느 ~ to what extent[degree] / how far(거리) / how long(시간). 나는 그것을 싫증이 날 ~ 먹었다 I have eaten it so much[often] that I am sick of it. 큰 집을 지을 ~ 그는 돈이
- 그 만큼: equivalently
- 그만큼: 그만큼 [그 분량] as much as that; as[that] much; [그 정도] to that extent; in that degree. ~ 더 as much[many] again[more] ‥. ~ 말했는데도 after all I have said / after all advice I gave. ~이나 돈이 있으면서도 for all one's
- 놀랄 만큼: wondrous
- 리만큼: -리만큼 […할 정도로] enough to ; so ‥ that; so much as to . 그 집은 우리 식구가 모두 살기에 충분하~ 크다 The house is large enough for all of us. 눈앞의 내 손이 보이지 않으~ 어둡다 It is so dark that I can't see my hand before me. 그는 그것도
- 만큼 되다: measure
- 만큼 오래: as long as
- 만큼의: for
- 얼마 만큼: by
- 얼만큼: what amount; how many; how much
- 요만큼: 요만큼 ☞ 이만큼
- 웬만큼: 웬만큼1 [어느 정도] to some degree[extent]; within bounds; [알맞게] moderately; reasonably. ~ 마시다 drink temperately / be moderate in drinking. 운동도 ~ 해야지 지나치면 오히려 해롭다 An excessive amount of exercise will do yo
- 이만큼: 이만큼 (분량) about this[so] much; (수) about so many; (크기) about so large; about this size; (길이) about so long; about this length; (폭) about so wide; about this width; (정도) this far; to this degree[exten
- 저만큼: 저만큼 [저만한 정도로] to that extent[degree]; that. ~ 열심히 연습하지 않으면 숙달하지 않는다 You will not make progress unless you practice that hard. 나는 피아노를 ~ 잘 치지 못한다 I can't play the piano so well as that[that well]. ~
- 하늘만큼 땅만큼: like land and sky