
a state of mind

발음:   a state of mind 예문


예문 더보기:   다음>
  1. 007 is a state of mind.
    007은 정신 상태를 말하는 거야
  2. An obsession, Mr. Fisher, a state of mind.
    강박관념이에요 피셔 씨
  3. It is even sometimes regarded as a state of mind.
    그것은 심지어 때로는 마음의 상태로 간주 됩니다.
  4. Wellness is a state of mind, body, and soul.
    웰빙은 마음, 몸, 그리고 영혼의 상태.
  5. Not a fashion blog, is a state of mind
    아니 패션 블로그, 마음의 상태이다

기타 단어

  1. "a star is born (1937 film)" 뜻
  2. "a star is born (1954 film)" 뜻
  3. "a star is born (1976 film)" 뜻
  4. "a star is born (2018 film)" 뜻
  5. "a star is born (2018 soundtrack)" 뜻
  6. "a storm of swords" 뜻
  7. "a story of floating weeds" 뜻
  8. "a story of water" 뜻
  9. "a stray goat" 뜻
  10. "a star is born (2018 film)" 뜻
  11. "a star is born (2018 soundtrack)" 뜻
  12. "a storm of swords" 뜻
  13. "a story of floating weeds" 뜻