acquisitive 뜻
- adjective, adverb, 습득성이 있는, 얻고싶어하는, 욕심많은, -ly
- acquisition, technology & logistics agency: 일본 방위장비청
- acquisition of 21st century fox by disney: 디즈니의 21세기 폭스 인수
- acquisitory: 습득성이 있는; 얻고싶어하는
- acquisition before others: 선매
- acquist: 획득물; 취득; 공부; 취득물
- acquisition and cross-servicing agreement: 상호군수지원협정
- acquit: vt, noun, 석방하다, 방면하다, 면제하다, 다하다, 석방번, 변제, 수행, -tance 변제, 영주증
- acquisition: noun, 취득, 획득, 취득물, 획득물
- acquitment: 변제; 무죄 방면
기타 단어
- "acquisition" 뜻
- "acquisition and cross-servicing agreement" 뜻
- "acquisition before others" 뜻
- "acquisition of 21st century fox by disney" 뜻
- "acquisition, technology & logistics agency" 뜻
- "acquisitory" 뜻
- "acquist" 뜻
- "acquit" 뜻
- "acquitment" 뜻
- "acquisition of 21st century fox by disney" 뜻
- "acquisition, technology & logistics agency" 뜻
- "acquisitory" 뜻
- "acquist" 뜻