b.o.a.c. 뜻
- noun, British Overseas Airways Corporation 영국 해외 항공 회사
- bảo lạc district: 바올락현
- bảo lộc: 바오록
- c.o., c/o: phrase, care of ...전교, carried over
- c.o.s., c.o.s.: phrase, cash on shipment 선적불, 적하(현금)불
- s, o, b,: phrase, son of a bitch
- b.o.b songs: B.o.B의 노래
- c.o.: Cash Order, Colonial Office, Commanding Officer, conscientious objector
- c.s.o.: phrase, Chief Signal Officer
- a.b.c.: 첫번 째의; 초보의
- b.c.: 기원전
- c.& b.: phrase, caught and bowled (by) C.B. Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book,
- c.b.: Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book, construction battalion, cost benefit,
- alto bío bío: 알토비오비오
- university of the bío bío: 비오비오 대학교
- c.u.b.c.: phrase, Cambridge University Boat Club