c.e.m.s. 뜻
- phrase, Church of England Men's Society
- c.e.m.a.: phrase, Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts(현재는 A.C.G.B.)
- e, e, & m, p,: phrase, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary 특명 전권 공사
- r.e.m.e.: phrase, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- c. of e.: phrase, Churdh of England
- c.e.: phrase, Church of England, Civil(Chief, Chemical) Engineer
- c.e.a.: phrase, Central Electricity Authority
- c.e.t.: phrase, Central European Time
- c.e.t.s.: phrase, Churce of England Temperance Society
- e, c,: phrase, East Central(London의 우편구의 하나), Established Church
- e.t.c.: 그리고 등등
- c.m.: phrase, =CH.M, Comgregation of the Mission, Court Martial c.m. x, common meter, corresponding member
- c.m.a.s.: phrase, Clergy Mutual Assurance Society
- c.m.s.: phrase, Church Missionary Society
- c.s.m.: phrase, Company Sergeant Major
- s, c, m: phrase, State Certified Midwife, Student Christian Movement