c.o.g. 뜻
- phrase, center of gravity
- g, c, v, o,: phrase, Grand Cross of the Victorian Order
- g, o, c: phrase, General Officer Commanding
- g, o, g, o,: phrase, general office, general order
- g, t, c, g, t, c: phrase, good till canceled(countermanded)
- c.o., c/o: phrase, care of ...전교, carried over
- c.o.s., c.o.s.: phrase, cash on shipment 선적불, 적하(현금)불
- a.c.g.t: 에이·시·지·티 에이·시·지·티
- c.g.: phrase, Coast Guard, Commanding General, Consul General c.g. x, center of gravity
- g, c: phrase, George Cross
- g, c, a: phrase, General claim Agent일반 청구 대리인, Ground Controlled Approach 지상 유도 착륙
- g, s, c: phrase, General Staff Corps G, S, C, x, General Staff Corps
- g, s, c,: phrase, General Staff Corps G, S, C x, General Staff Corps
- g, t, c: phrase, good till canceled (countermanded) 취소할 때까지 유효
- g, c, m, g: phrase, Grand Cross of St, Michael and St, George
- c.g.s., c.g.s., cgs: phrase, centimeter-gram-second 시지에스단위