c.s.i.r.o. 뜻
- phrase, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
- i.o.r.m.: phrase, Improved Order of Red Men
- iro, i.r.o: phrase, International Refugee Organization
- r.o.i.: phrase, return on investment
- before r.o.c.: 중화민국전
- c.r.o.: phrase, Commonwealth Relations Office(1966년 Colonial Office와 합병 Commonwealth Office가되고 1968년 F.C.O.로 됨)
- r.a.o.c.: phrase, Royal Army Ordnance Corps
- r.c.o.: phrase, Royal College of Organists
- r.o.c.: phrase, Royal Observer Corps
- rotc, r.o.t.c.: x Reserve Officers' Training Corps예비역 장교 훈련단, 학생군사훈련단
- r.i.c.: phrase, Royal Institute of Chemistry 영국 화학 협회, Royal Irish Constabula ry
- c.o.i.: phrase, Central Office of Information
- cio, c.i.o.: phrase, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- n.o.i.c.: phrase, Naval Officer in Charge
- río cuarto, córdoba: 리오쿠아르토
- cái răng district: 까이랑군