c.v.o. 뜻
- phrase, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order 빅토리아 상급 훈작사
- g, c, v, o,: phrase, Grand Cross of the Victorian Order
- k.c.v.o: phrase, Knight Commander of the (Royal) Victorian Order
- mèo vạc district: 메오박현
- c.o., c/o: phrase, care of ...전교, carried over
- c.o.s., c.o.s.: phrase, cash on shipment 선적불, 적하(현금)불
- a.v.c.: noun, American Veterans' Committee미국 재향 군인회
- c.v.: phrase, Common Version (of the Bible)
- c.o.: Cash Order, Colonial Office, Commanding Officer, conscientious objector
- c.s.o.: phrase, Chief Signal Officer
- l-o-v-e: L-O-V-E (노래)
- m.v.o.: phrase, Member of the Victorian Order
- n.c.c.v.d.: phrase, National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases
- c.o.d., c.o.d.: phrase, cash (collect) on delivery
- c.w.o., c.w.o.: phrase, cash with order 현금 지불 주문
- nco, n.c.o., n.c.o.: phrase, noncommissioned officer