The senate must vote the chancellor emergency powers. 비상권한 발동을 투표에 붙입시다
Engage emergency power. 비상 엔진 출력 작동해
In response to this direct threat to the Republic... mesa propose that the senate... give immediately emergency powers... to the supreme chancellor. 공화국이 위기에 직면했습니다 의원님들께서 의장님께 비상 권한을 허락해주실 것을
Presumably, they were up and running as soon as that emergency power kicked back on, but that footage was deleted from the system's memory. 짐작이지만, 응급 전원이 바로 다시 켜졌을텐데, 영상은 시스템 메모리에서 지워졌더군요
Distribution Emergency Power Transmission 132kv Prefabricated Mobile Substation 분배 비상 전원 전송 132kv 조립식 모바일 변전소