environ 뜻
음성기호: [ in'vaiərən ]발음
- vt, 둘러싸다
- enviously: 시기하여; 질투하여
- envious about belongings: 소유욕의
- environment: noun, 환경, 주위, 둘레
- envious: adjective, 부러워하는, 시기하는
- environment and heritage law enforcement agencies: 환경법집행기관
- envigado f.c. players: 엔비가도 FC의 축구 선수
- environment and religion: 환경과 종교
- envigado f.c.: 엔비가도 FC 엔비가도 FC
- environment and society: 환경과 사회
기타 단어
- "envigado f.c." 뜻
- "envigado f.c. players" 뜻
- "envious" 뜻
- "envious about belongings" 뜻
- "enviously" 뜻
- "environment" 뜻
- "environment and heritage law enforcement agencies" 뜻
- "environment and religion" 뜻
- "environment and society" 뜻
- "envious about belongings" 뜻
- "enviously" 뜻
- "environment" 뜻
- "environment and heritage law enforcement agencies" 뜻