f.g. 뜻
- phrase, fully good
x, Foot Guards
- f.a.g.s.: phrase, Fellow of the American Geographical Society
- f.g.a.: phrase, free of general average
- f.g.s.: phrase, Fellow of the Geographical Society, Fellow of the Geological society
- g, a, a, s, f: phrase, General Association of Asia Sports Federations, 아시아 경기 연맹 총연합회
- g, f, s: phrase, Girls'Friendly Society
- g, c, g, , g, c, f, , gcf: phrase, greatest common factor최대 공약수
- f.g.c.m.: phrase, Field General Cout Martial
- g, f, w, c: phrase, General Federation of Women's Clubs
- f.c. lumezzane v.g.z. a.s.d.: FC 루메차네 VGZ ASD
- f.c. lumezzane v.g.z. a.s.d. players: AC 루메차네의 축구 선수
- g: noun, 알파벳 일곱번째문자, 사음, 사장조, (로마숫자의)400, 중력의 상수, 중력 가속도, 천, 천 달러
- g and t: 진 토닉
- g&t: 진 토닉
- g, s,: phrase, grandson
- g, s, a: phrase, Girl Scouts of America, General Service Administration x, Girl Scout of America;General Service Administration