fossilisation 뜻
- 화석화
- fossiliferous: adjective, 화석을 함유한
- fossil taxa described in the 21st century: 21세기 기재된 화석 분류군
- fossilization: noun, 화석화, 폐습화
- fossil taxa described in the 20th century: 20세기 기재된 화석 분류군
- fossilize: vt, vi, 화석으로 만들다, 화석 채집을 하다, 시대에 뒤지게 하다
- fossil taxa described in the 19th century: 19세기 기재된 화석 분류군
- fossils: 화석
- fossil taxa described in the 18th century: 18세기 기재된 화석 분류군
- fossilworks: 화석연구데이터베이스
기타 단어
- "fossil taxa described in the 18th century" 뜻
- "fossil taxa described in the 19th century" 뜻
- "fossil taxa described in the 20th century" 뜻
- "fossil taxa described in the 21st century" 뜻
- "fossiliferous" 뜻
- "fossilization" 뜻
- "fossilize" 뜻
- "fossils" 뜻
- "fossilworks" 뜻
- "fossil taxa described in the 21st century" 뜻
- "fossiliferous" 뜻
- "fossilization" 뜻
- "fossilize" 뜻