
get near

발음:   get near 예문


예문 더보기:   다음>
  1. Look, Raymond told Caruso he couldn't get near you.
    이봐 Raymond 가 네 근처에 Caruso가 못 가게 됬다고 말해줬다구
  2. We never got near the mirror, I swear.
    우린 거울 근처에 가지도 않았어요, 맹세해요
  3. Bin Laden money never got near Bush.
    Bin Laden 자금 부시 근처에도 안갔어.
  4. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could.
    아무도 근처에 접근하지 못했지만 그 마녀는 가능했어
  5. I can't get near you, now I can't get rid of you.
    당신을 가까이 둘 수도 업고 지금 당신을 버릴수도 없으니

기타 단어

  1. "get loose" 뜻
  2. "get lost" 뜻
  3. "get lunch ready" 뜻
  4. "get married" 뜻
  5. "get moth eaten" 뜻
  6. "get nearer" 뜻
  7. "get off" 뜻
  8. "get old" 뜻
  9. "get on" 뜻
  10. "get married" 뜻
  11. "get moth eaten" 뜻
  12. "get nearer" 뜻
  13. "get off" 뜻