p.g.m. 뜻
- phrase, Past Grand Master, precision-guided munitions정밀 유도 병기
- g, s, p: phrase, Good Service Pension
- p.g.: phrase, Past Grand (Master) (클럽의)전 회장, paying guest, postgraduate, Preacher General
- p.m.: 午後; 오후; 석간; 저녁
- g, m, t: phrase, Greenwich mean time x, greenwich Mean Time 그리니치 표준시
- g, c, m, g: phrase, Grand Cross of St, Michael and St, George
- p.p.m., ppm, ppm, p.p.m.: phrase, part(s) per million
- gnp, g, n, p: phrase, gross national product
- p. g. t. beauregard: 피에르 보우리가드
- p.g. wodehouse: 작고 활발한; 깨끔한
- pga, p.g.a: phrase, Professional Golfers Association
- p.f.m., pfm, p.f.m.: phrase, pulse frequency modulation
- g, c, m, , g, c, m, , gcm: phrase, greatest common measure최대공약수, general court martial통합 군법 회의
- 12:00 p.m.: 오정
- c.p.m.: phrase, cycles per minute C.P.M. x, critical path method
- d, p, m,: phrase, disintegration per minute(물)(방사성 원소의) 1분간의 붕괴수