r.d.c. 뜻
- phrase, Royal Defense Corps, Rural District Council
- c.r.d. libolo: CRD 리볼루
- card, c.a.r.d.: phrase, Campaign against Racial Discrimination 인종차별 철폐운동(조직)
- r.a.d.c.: phrase, Royal Army Dental Corps
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c.: FC 브뤼셀 FC 브뤼셀
- r&d, r.and d.: phrase, research and development 연구 개발
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. players: FC 브뤼셀의 축구 선수
- d, a, r,: phrase, Daughters of the American Revolution
- d, r,: phrase, dead reckoning, deposit receipt D, R, x,
- r.a.d.a.: phrase, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
- rd, r/d, r.d.: phrase, refer to drawer, Rural Delivery
- c.r.: phrase, Costa Rica
- r.a.c.: phrase, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Automobile Club
- r.a.s.c.: phrase, Royal Army Service Corps
- r.c.: phrase, Red Cross, Reserve Corps, Roman Catholic
- r.c.s.: phrase, Royal College of Surgeons 왕립 외과 의사회