r.i.b.a. 뜻
- phrase, Royal Institute of British Architects 영국 왕립 건축가 협회
- f.r.i.b.a.: phrase, Fellow of the Foyal Institute Of British Architects
- i.b.r.d.: phrase, Intercontinental Bank for Reconstruction and Development=World Bank
- i.r.b.: Irish Republican Britherhood,
- rbi, rbi, r.b.i.: phrase, run(s) batted in 타점
- r&b, r&b: phrase, rhythm and blues
- r.b.: phrase, Rifle Brigade
- r.b.a.: phrase, Royal(Society of)British Artists
- r.b.s.: phrase, Royal (Society of)British Sculptors
- i.r.: phrase, Inland Revenue, intelligence ratio, Internal Revenue
- r.&i.: phrase, =R.ET.I. R.I. x, R.et.I., Rhode Island, Royal Institute(Institution)
- r.i.: phrase, R.et.I., Rhode Island, Royal Institute(Institution) R.&I. x, =R.ET.I.
- r.i.a.: phrase, Royal Irish Academy
- b, i, s,: phrase, Bank for International Settlement 국제 결제 은행, British Information Services 영국 정보부
- r.i.i.a.: phrase, Royal Institute of International Affairs 국제 사정 연구회
- hello i.b.i: 헬로 아이·비·아이