theory of planned behavior 뜻
- 계획행동이론
- theory: noun, 학설, 설, 이론, (탁상의)공론
- planned: adjective, 계획된, 정연한
- behavior: noun, 행실, 행동, 태도, 상태, 행동주의
- carefully planned: 체계적이다; 정교하다
- planned cities: 계획도시
- planned communities: 계획 공동체
- planned community: 신도시
- planned developments: 계획 개발
- planned economy: phrase, 계획 경제
- planned language: 인공어
- planned obsolescence: 계획적 구식화
- planned parenthood: phrase, (산아 제한에 의한)가족 계획
- abnormality (behavior): 이상 (인간 행동)
- addictive behavior: 탐닉성 행동
- behavior modification: 행동수정
기타 단어
- "theory of impetus" 뜻
- "theory of international politics" 뜻
- "theory of knowledge" 뜻
- "theory of mind" 뜻
- "theory of multiple intelligences" 뜻
- "theory of probability distributions" 뜻
- "theory of relativity" 뜻
- "theory of tides" 뜻
- "theory x and theory y" 뜻
- "theory of mind" 뜻
- "theory of multiple intelligences" 뜻
- "theory of probability distributions" 뜻
- "theory of relativity" 뜻