theory of probability distributions 뜻
- 확률분포 이론
- theory: noun, 학설, 설, 이론, (탁상의)공론
- probability: noun, 있음직한, 가망, 개연성, 확률(in
- probability distributions: 확률분포 확률분포
- probability theory: 확률론 확률론
- characteristic function (probability theory): 특성함수 (확률론)
- filtration (probability theory): 여과 확률 공간
- independence (probability theory): 독립 (확률론)
- martingale (probability theory): 마팅게일
- probability theory paradoxes: 확률론의 역설
- tree diagram (probability theory): 수형도
- probability: noun, 있음직한, 가망, 개연성, 확률(in all probability 아마, 십중팔구는)
- continuous distributions: 연속분포
- discrete distributions: 이산분포
- linux distributions: 리눅스 배포판 리눅스 배포판
- bayesian probability: 베이즈 확률론
기타 단어
- "theory of international politics" 뜻
- "theory of knowledge" 뜻
- "theory of mind" 뜻
- "theory of multiple intelligences" 뜻
- "theory of planned behavior" 뜻
- "theory of relativity" 뜻
- "theory of tides" 뜻
- "theory x and theory y" 뜻
- "theory z" 뜻
- "theory of multiple intelligences" 뜻
- "theory of planned behavior" 뜻
- "theory of relativity" 뜻
- "theory of tides" 뜻