갈비: 갈비11 a rib; the ribs; 『醫』 a costa . ~의 costal.2 (요리용) a rib. 돼지 ~ ribs of pork. 소 ~ ribs of beef. ~를 굽다 roast[broil / grill] a rib.3 [말라깽이] a skinny[lean / weedy / scrawny] person; a (living) skele
갈빗대: 갈빗대 a rib. ~를 부러뜨리다 break a rib / fracture a rib. 그는 ~가 앙상하게 튀어나와 있었다 The ribs stood out on his chest.♣ 갈빗대(가) 휘다 one's ribs feel as if they were bent under a heavy load[responsibility].
갈붙이다: 갈붙이다 [중상하다] slander; libel; [이간 붙이다] alienate[estrange] ; separate ; set by the ear. 그녀는 우리를 갈붙이려 하고 있다 She is trying to alienate us from each other.
JIM ...just a little lick, come on trust me... for old times, the four of us, let's get together one more time,... the Doors man... 보쌈, 막국수, 돈까스, 부대찌게, 갈비찜, 제육볶음, 육개장 ....” “원망스럽던 상대가 이젠 가여워지는군.”