강상 영어로
- 강상 [江上] [강물 위] the surface of the river[water].
- 강상우: Kang Sang-woo
- 강상재: Kang Sang-jae
- 강상전: Riverine warfare
- 강상중: Kang Sang-jung
- 건강상태: 건강 상태 [健康狀態] the condition[state] of one's health; a hygienic[health] condition. ~가 좋다[나쁘다] be in a good[bad] state of health / be in good[poor] health[order].
- 강산에: Kang San-ae
- 강산구: Gangshan District
- 강산: 강산 [江山] [강과 산] rivers and mountains; [경치] landscape; scenery; [강토] a country; a territory; a realm; a domain. 금수 ~ a beautiful[scenic] land / a country noted for the beauty in the landscape. 삼천리 금수
- 강삭철도: cable railway
- 강삭: 강삭 [鋼索] a wire rope; a cable; a steel rope; a hawser.▷ 강삭 철도 a cable railway; a rope railway.