개그: 개그 a gag. ~를 넣다 (put a) gag / toss off a gag. 그는 곧잘 ~를 내뱉는다 He often tells[tosses off] gags. 그런 곳에 ~를 삽입하지 마라 Don't put a gag in there.▷ 개그 만화 comics full of gags; a comic book[a cartoon] full of ga
개근: 개근 [皆勤] perfect attendance; non-absence (throughout a year); regular attendance (without a day's absence). ~하다 attend regularly (without missing a single day); be not absent a single day.▷ 개근상[상장] a
개금: 개금 [開襟]1 [속마음을 털어놓음] unbosoming oneself to. ~하다 unbosom oneself to; open[lay bare] one's heart; admit into one's confidence.2 [돕지] the neckband.▷ 개금 셔츠[샤쓰] an open-collared shirt; a sport shirt.
You are a worthy adversary. 여자 개그맨 중엔 그걸로 먹고사는 분들도 계시고.
after the interview - YouTube 모아름 개그맨 허경환 인터뷰 - YouTube