거만떨다 영어로
- be arrogant
- 거만떨지 않는: unostentatious
- 거만: 거만 [巨萬] millions; a huge[colossal] fortune; vast[Croesus'] fortune. ~의 부를 쌓다 amass[pile up] vast[immense] wealth / make a vast fortune / make a big pile / become a millionaire. ~의 돈을 투입하다 spend mill
- 떨다: 떨다1 (몸을) tremble; quiver; quake; shake; shiver; [전율하다] shudder; thrill; (목소리를) wobble; [진동하다] vibrate. 사지를 ~ tremble in every limb. 무서워 덜덜 ~ tremble with fear. 추워서 덜덜 ~ shiver with cold. 방정맞게 무릎을 ~
- 거만한: bossy; domineering; orgulous; overbearing; cavalier; sneery; sniffy; imperious; stout; disdainful; uppish; high-hat; haught; haughty; supercilious; snobbish; arrogant
- 거만함: insolence
- 이거만: as
- 내떨다: 내떨다1 [떨어버리다] shake off[down]; knock off . 옷의 먼지를 ~ shake the dust off one's clothes.2 [뿌리치다] shake oneself loose[free] from ; tear oneself away .
- 벌벌 떨다: dither
- 수다 떨다: yabber
- 수떨다: 수떨다 wag one's tongue[jaw]; talk volubly; talk one's mouth off; rattle on[away / off].
- 거만부리다: be arrogant
- 거만하게 걷다: strut
- 거만하다: overbearing; imperious; domineering
- 거만한 말: waffle
- 거만한 언행: pomposity