강보: 강보 [襁褓] swaddling clothes; a swaddle; a baby's quilt. 아이를 ~로 싸다 wrap an infant in swaddling clothes / swaddle an infant.▷ 강보 유아 an infant; a newborn child.
심사: 심사 [心事] the thoughts of the heart; cares; concerns.심사 [心思] ill will; malicious intention; malice; malevolence.♣ 심사가 나다 get cross[sour]; bear malice. ~가 나서 남을 비방하다 disparage a person out of spite.♣ 심
건강: 건강 [健康] health. ~에 좋다 be good for (the[one's]) health / be beneficial[conducive] to health / do good. ~에 해롭다 be bad for (the[one's]) health / be injurious to (the[one's]) health. ~을 해치다 injure[ruin
모험심: spirit of adventure; enterprise; endeavor; job; task; venture; business; company
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, about eight million women and two million men in the United States have osteoporosis. 건강보험심사평가원 의 통계자료에 따르면 ‘골다공증’ 진료 인원은 매년 증가하고 있다.