겁먹은 영어로
appals outraged scared shitless affrighted +모두 보이기... aghast affeared 겁먹다 : 겁먹다 [怯-] be frightened . 그녀는 겁먹은 얼굴을 하고 있었다 She had a scared look on her face. 어린이는 그 광경을 보고 겁먹었다 The child was frightened at the sight./ 그는 잔뜩 겁먹고 있었다 He was stiff with fright. 그는 시험에 잔뜩 겁먹고 있으니 잘 겁 먹은 : alarmed; concerned; shook-up귀먹은 : hearing impaired; deaf먹은금 : 먹은금 [물건 살 때 든 돈] the cost price; cost. ~ 보다 싸게 with loss on cost / for less than costs. ~에 팔다 sell[offer] at cost.벌레 먹은 : worm eaten앙심 먹은 : rancorous좀먹은 : moth-eaten한살 먹은 : yearling나이먹은 : youthless; aetat약간 나이 먹은 : oldish완전히 엿먹은 : Totally F***ed Up코 먹은 소리 : nasalize막돼먹은 영애씨 : Ugly Miss Young-ae막돼먹은 영애씨 15 : Ugly Miss Young-Ae (season 15)겁많음 : pusillanimousness; pusillanimity; coward; timidity; poltroonery겁술 : fencing; hurdle; paling; pilerow; bulwark; hedge; next; fence
예문 더보기: 다음> And what I see is frightened people running before us. 그리고 내가 본건 겁먹은 놈들이 좆빠지게 도망치는거고. It's so sexy being compared to a frightened beast.겁먹은 짐승에 비유되다니 참 섹시한 걸 "Poor scared woman can't handle the pressure"" "가여운 겁먹은 여인은 부담감을 이겨내지 못하고" She doesn't seem stupid -- doesn't even seem all that scared. 바보같아 보이지도 않고, 겁먹은 것 같아 보이지도 않았어요 Luis Carlos Galán had made a decision that cost his life. 다른 자의 겁먹은 모습이다 갈란의 결정은 목숨이란 값을 치렀다