고래등같다 영어로
- 고래등 같다 grand; magnificent; palatial; imposing.
고래등 같은 집 a stately[grand] mansion / a palatial house.
- 같다: 같다1 [동일하다] the same; identical ; the self same. 거의 ~ be much[about / almost] the same . 옛날과 같은 그 거리 the same old street. 양복과 같은 재료의 모자 a cap of the same material as a dress. 해마다 같은 날에 on the same da
- 고래: 고래1 『動』 a whale. 검은 ~ a pilot whale / a blackfish. 혹등 ~ a humpback whale. 흰긴수염 ~ a blue whale / a sulphur-bottom. 큰 ~ a black right whale. 긴수염 ~ a finback / a fin whale / a razorback. 향유 ~ a sperm w
- 똑같다: 똑같다 just[exactly] alike; absolutely identical ; exactly the same ; equal ; [닮다] be the exact image[likeness] . 똑같은 날에 on the very same day. 똑같은 말을 몇 번이고 되풀이하다 say the same thing again and again / ha
- 와 같다: equal
- 감쪽같다: 감쪽같다1 (고친 물건이) as good as before; just as it was; restored to the former state. 감쪽같이 고치다 get all right again / mend just as it was. 그 의자는 수선을 하니 감쪽같았다 When repaired, the chair was as good as befor
- 거의...와 같다: come; approach
- 는 것 같다: it seems
- 득달같다: 득달같다 [지체하지 않다] prompt; quick; ready; be right on time.
- 득돌같다: 득돌같다 quite satisfactory; perfect; gratifying. 득돌같이 satisfactorily; gratifyingly; perfectly. 그는 라디오를 득돌같이 고쳐 놓았다 He got the radio in perfect working order.
- 생때같다: 생때같다 [生-] healthy; robust; sound; fine and dandy.
- 억척같다: 억척같다 unyielding[unrelenting / tough / strong-minded / dogged].
- 얼음장같다: 얼음장같다 (as) cold as ice. 방바닥이 ~ The floor is as cold as ice.
- 은 것 같다: it seems
- 일 것 같다: it seems
- 죽을 것 같다: die