광내다 영어로
- 광내는 가루: polish
- 내다: 내다1 (연기가) smoke; smolder; become smoky. 불이 낸다 The fire is smoking. 난로가 낸다 The stove is smoking[smokes]. 생나무가 내기만 하고 타지 않는다 The green wood smolders and will not burn. 되게 내는군 Oh, how smoky!내다21 (밖으로)
- 겁내다: 겁내다 [怯-] fear; dread; be afraid ; be in fear[terror]; have a horror of; show one's cowardice. 겁내지 않다 be undaunted / be unawed / be fearless . 겁내지 않고 without timidity. 그는 죽음을 겁내지 않았다 He did not fear[
- 결내다: 결내다 lose one's temper; fall[fly / get] into a passion[rage / temper]; flare up. 툭하면 ~ be liable to lose one's temper / be easily roused to temper.
- 구해 내다: extricate; rescue; retrieve
- 금을 내다: saw
- 깎아 내다: beard
- 꺼내다: 꺼내다1 [밖으로 내다] take[bring] out; draw[pull] out; pick out. 호주머니에서 지갑을 ~ take one's purse out of one's pocket. 지갑에서 돈을 ~ take out some money from a purse / take some money out of a purse. 은행에서 예금을 ~ dr
- 끝내다: 끝내다 [마치다] end; finish (off) ; complete; terminate; get[be] through ; [마감하다] close; stop; conclude; wind up ; put an end[a period] ; bring to a close[finish]; make an end of. 하루의 일을 끝내고 after a day'
- 낯내다: 낯내다 [생색을 내다] take credit to oneself ; do oneself proud[credit]; act so as to gain the respect of others. 낯내기 위하여 기부하다 make a donation just to reflect credit on oneself. 자네 이 하찮은 선물로 낯내려 드네 그려 You ar
- 내다$1$: draw from; set up; turn out; smoke; make; issue; serve; put out; show; give; set forth; set out
- 내다지: 내다지 『建』 a hole through a column[pillar].
- 닦아 내다: wipe up; wipe away
- 덧내다: 덧내다1 (병을) worsen; make worse; cause to take a bad turn; aggravate; (종기 등을) inflame. 종기를 건드려 ~ make a boil[tumor] worse by fiddling with it.2 (사람을) offend; give offense; anger; drive into a passion
- 돈을 내다: open one’s purse; come down; lay out