로써: 로써 [도구] with; [수단] by; by means of; through. 전기(電氣)~ by electricity. 석유~ 재산을 모으다 make one's fortune in oil. 그 아름다움은 말~ 표현할 수가 없다 Words cannot express its beauty. / It is too beautiful for words. 이 나
위로: 위로 [慰勞]1 [수고를 치하함] appreciation of the services rendered; recognition[acknowledgment] of services. ~하다 acknowledge[recognize / appreciate] services. 선수의 노고를 ~하다 show one's appreciation for a playe
으로써: 으로써 […을 가지고]. 사상을 행동~ 나타내다 express an idea in terms of action.
이로써: 이로써 with this; hereby; herewith. ~ 판단하건대 judging from this. ~ 나의 인생은 끝장이다 This will ruin me. / This will be the end of me. ~ 내가 얼마나 어리석었는가를 알았다 Now I realize how foolish I was.