그만그만하다: 그만그만하다 [어슷비슷하다] be nearly[about] the same; be much the same; be much of a muchness; be of a hair; be six of one and half-a-dozen of others. 나이가 ~ be about the same age. 모두 ~ All of them are about
그만하다: 그만하다1 [웬만하다] tolerable; so-so. 그의 학교 성적은 ~ His school record it tolerable. 장사는 잘됩니까? 그만합니다 How's business? Oh, not too bad. / Well, I can't complain. 환자의 병세는 ~ The patient is getting neither better
그만: 그만1 [그만한] (a) little (amount of); so little[small] as; such ; as[that] much; to that (small) extent; no more than; just; only. ~ 일에 낙심 마라 Don't be disappointed about such a trifle. ~ 일은 어린애라도 할 수 있다
만하: 만하 [晩夏] late summer; the last[latter] part of summer.