글1 [문장] writings; a composition; (문법상의) a sentence; [본문] the text; [문체] style. 세련된 ~ a polished sentence[style]. 알기 쉬운 ~ an easy[a simple] style. 생각을 ~로 나타내다 express one's thoughts in writing[written words]. ~을 짓다 build[make] +모두 보이기...up a composition[sentence] / form a sentence. ~을 쓰다 write / do writing / make[write] a composition. ~을 다듬다 polish[elaborate] one's style. 나는 「봄」이라는 제목의 ~을 썼다 I wrote an essay[a composition] entitled "Spring". 그는 훌륭한[명쾌한] ~을 쓴다 He writes in an excellent[a clear] style. ~은 바로 그 사람이다 The style is the man. ~ 속에 애매한 점이 있다 There are some obscure points in the text. 나는 ~쓰기를 직업으로 삼기로 결심했다 I decided to live by my pen[be a professional writer]. 그는 교묘한 ~솜씨로 독자를 끌어당겼다 He attracted readers with his exquisite skill in writing.2 [글자] a letter; a character; an ideograph(한자 등). ~을 모르다 be unlettered[illiterate].3 [학식·학문] learning; studies; scholarship; scholarly attainments; knowledge. ~이 없는 사람 a person without learning / an unlettered[uneducated] person. ~이 있는 사람 a learned man / a man of learning / a scholar. ~깨나 배웠다고 뽐내다 be proud of one's learning[scholarship]. ~을 배우다 study / learn / pursue learning / follow one's studies. ~을 좋아하다 like[be fond of] learning[study].