급횡전 영어로
- snap roll
- 횡전: 횡전 [橫轉] a lateral turning; turning sideways; (비행기의) a (barrel) roll; a sideslip. ~하다 turn over and lie on side; turn[roll] sideways; (비행기로) make a barrel roll; sideslip. 자동차가 얼음 위에서 미끄러져 ~했다 The ca
- 급회전: double; doubling
- 급환: 급환 [急患] [급병에 걸린 환자] an emergency case; [급병] a sudden illness[disease]. 의사 선생님은 ~이 있어 왕진 중이십니다 The doctor is out on an emergency call. 저 병원은 일요일에도 ~을 받습니다 Emergency case are admitted to that hospital
- 급히: 급히 [急-] [서둘러] in a hurry; in haste; hastily; hurriedly; [빨리] speedily; quickly; quick; on the double; at a brisk pace(빠른 걸음으로); [즉시] without delay; promptly; immediately; at once. ~ 나가다 hurry out o
- 급행의: express
- 급히 가다: speed; split; step; beetle; scat; stride; buzz; whirl; streak off; burn
- 급행열차: 급행 열차 [急行列車] an express (train); a fast train; a highball. 보통 ~ an ordinary express (train). 특별 ~ a special express (train) / a limited express (train). ~로 by express (train).
- 급히 걸치다: throw
- 급행 화물 열차: overlord; ace; expert; smasher; virtuoso; hotshot; humdinger; crackerjack; sensations; mavin; blockbuster; stunner; maven; star; whiz
- 급히 끝내다: polish off