기억 [記憶] memory; mind; memorization; remembrance; [추억] recollection. 전자 ~ 장치 an electronic memory machine / a ticketer. 주 ~ 장치 a main storage unit / a main memory unit. 어린 시절 이후로 만나 본 적도 없는 ~ 속의 어머니 the mother one has not seen s+모두 보이기...ince childhood. 확실[불확실]한 ~ an unfailing[a treacherous] memory. ~을 잘한다[못한다] have a good[poor] memory. ~에 남다 remain[be retained] in one's memory / be impressed on one's memory. ~을 되살리다 bring back one's memory. ~을 더듬다 trace back in memory / retrace[search] one's memory . 아버님은 내 ~ 속에 살아 계신다 My father lives in my memory. 그 광경의 ~이 내 마음 속에 선히 떠올랐다 The memory of the sight recurred to my mind. 그런 말을 한 ~이 없다 I don't remember having ever said anything like that. 그는 노령 때문에 ~이 흐려졌다 Old age has dimmed[clouded] his memory. / His memory has faded because of old age. 내 ~이 틀림없다면 그가 그녀의 남편이다 If I remember correctly[right / rightly], he is her husband. 어릴 적 일은 어렴풋한 ~ 밖에 없다 I have only a dim[vague] memory[recollection] of my childhood. 그 광경은 아직도 ~에 새롭다 The scene is fresh in my memory. 결국 그 사건은 사람들의 ~에서 사라져 갔다 Eventually the event vanished[slipped] from memory. / Eventually the event was forgotten. 그 문제에 대해서는 통 ~이 나지 않는다 My memory is perfectly blank on the subject. ~하다 [기억하고 있다] remember; remain[live] in one's memory; (잊지 않도록) bear[keep] in mind[remembrance / memory]; commit to memory; memorize; [외다] learn[get] by heart. 단단히 ~하다 fix[bear] firmly[indelibly] in one's memory[mind]. 똑똑히[어렴풋이] ~하고 있다 have a clear[dim] recollection of / remember clearly[vaguely]. 내가 ~하기로는 그가 결혼한 적은 없다 As far as I can remember[To the best of my recollection], he has never married. 이것만은 ~해 두십시오 Never forget this. / Be sure to keep this in mind. 나는 아버지에 대해서 아무 것도 ~하고 있지 않다 I don't remember my father at all. / I have no recollection of my father. 자네 말은 ~해 두겠다 I will keep what you say in mind. / I shall never forget your words. 그는 그 편지의 내용을 ~해 두었다 He committed the content of the letter to memory. / He memorized the content of the letter.▷ 기억 상실증 『醫』 amnesia. ~ 상실증 환자 an amnesiac.▷ 기억 소자 『컴퓨터』 a storage cell[element].▷ 기억 장애 a defect of memory.▷ 기억 장치 『컴퓨터』 a memory; a storage.
기억력: 기억력 [記憶力] (one's power of) memory; the retentive faculty. 놀랄 만한 ~ a splendid[marvelous] memory. ~을 잃다 lose one's memory. 그는 ~이 좋다[나쁘다] He has a good[bad / poor] memory. 요즈음 나는 ~이 감퇴했다 Recently I hav